Ladies’ Clothes Swap

The Ladies’ Clothes Swap is a great way to get to know other ladies in the village & come away with an updated wardrobe. Bring any good quality clothes, shoes & accessories you’d like to swap, BYOB and enjoy a good natter with the girls. At a previous event we had an amazing sports massage therapist offering massages, and tried different face scrubs & masks.

Bring your good quality clothes that you no longer wear, and pick up clothes that will be new to you. Please only bring clean clothes, preferably ironed and on a hanger. Accessories too!

The curtains of the VH will be closed & there is plenty of space in the back room for trying on outfits.

Bring your own tipple and a £5 donation for our VH fundraising. Your donation also covers snacks.

We are a friendly group, bring a friend, or come on your own & we’ll introduce you to other ladies in the village.