The Kid’s Club is managed by Village Hall Committee members. Past Kid’s Club events include film showings and a children’s disco.
See the Kid’s Club Facebook page for children’s activities and events going on in the Eversdens. Any organisers of children’s activities in the Eversdens are welcome to become administrators.
The quarterly Café (Cafe Creative) is a family friendly event that includes children’s crafts. Events are posted on the Café Creative Facebook page and on our website as an upcoming event.

Youth Club
There is a free Youth Club in The Eversdens. The club is on a modern, well equipped bus which parks in the Recreation Ground car park in Little Eversden on Mondays in term time from 4.00pm-6.00pm. It’s run by the Connections Bus Project.
It’s free to use. It’s for 12 to 18 year olds; 11 year olds can visit the bus at the end of the school year before they move up a year.
The bus is staffed by two experienced Youth Workers and a volunteer.
The bus has a wide selection of resources including internet linked PCs, games consoles, video/DVD, karaoke, sports equipment, craft activities, quizzes, discussion topics and a tuck shop.